Diablo 2 enigma of myth
Diablo 2 enigma of myth

diablo 2 enigma of myth

  • Use the Diablo 2 Runeword Calculator to find out what runewords you can create with the runes you own.īer (30) + Tir (3) + Um (22) + Mal (23) + Lum (17)ġ5% Chance To Cast level 10 Bone Armor When Struckġ5% Chance To Cast level 10 Bone Spear On Striking.
  • Either it needs new class specific runewords or more balancing on which char class want to use it (caster/non-caster). What do you get for ohm + sur? Not really much. That would also be a way of keeping a hype up and/or even increase the playerbase in the future.Į: I would also make an average of hr-values of all runewords and nerf/buff the runewords based on its cost to make. So, I think like a season of rares, a season of a specific class, a season of uniques,a season of the cube, etc within 4-5 months each. Too many changes at once will most certainly break the game. Thats why i think d2r will need a patchroad working on these aspects step by step (step=season). Why not to replace em or boost them? Ctc items that work with synergies can open up a whole new world of build diversity.ĭ2 is an old game and it is not balanced. Even the affix and suffix list needs some changes. Life replenish, stamina, energy, certain skills need rework and rebalancing. There are some stats that are obsolete in endgame that could be used for that purpose while also increasing value of items that have these stats. assassin that uses ias for the calculation of casting speed breakpoint. I would prefer to have a mobity spell on each class that is based around the characters theme.Į.g.

    diablo 2 enigma of myth

    Or even a twitchthroe would open up a bit more variety and diversity. Imagine a rare jwl that adds teleport as oskill in combination with cube recipes that can add multiple sockets on items.

    diablo 2 enigma of myth

    Rebalancing teleport would be an alternative too. Readjustung stats on other runewords is another way. Removing tp from enigma and adding another tp-like spell with cooldown is another way. Giving each character a teleport-like spell is also an option. Endgame mapping systems that discourage using teleport and focus on multiplayer is a way to increase diversity of armor slot use.

    Diablo 2 enigma of myth